Just two friends sharing an umbrella.
A Stork and a Baby
It's been a pleasant mixture of sketching, dreaming, and holiday shenanigans this past week...
Here's a small snippet of a stork and a baby.
The Town Mouse & the Country Mouse: Dollhouse
The Town Mouse & the Country Mouse: Dollhouse 5"x7" Watercolor & gouache on paper
Oh to be a few inches tall, then you could crawl into the walls of a miniature dollhouse! That is where the town mouse makes his home in the city, within the toy house of the little children who live in the building he takes shelter in. It makes for very lavish mouse-size living quarters, and I am a bit jealous of them!
The country mouse seems to be a bit uneasy and awkward as she stands atop the table holding her china plate. A cup has fallen on the floor and shattered amid the hustle and bustle of city life. This is perhaps my favorite of the two paintings, mostly due to the awkward positions they take while sitting at the miniature toy table.
This Aesop's fable was such a fun thing to interpret, but they were also a present to my Mother for her birthday as we have always called her and her sister "The Country Mouse and the City Mouse". My mother is a country mouse, and I am as well. Although, I could be tempted to take up residence in a local dollhouse if one could be provided or I could find a drink similar to Alice's when she shrunk in Wonderland. Keep me posted if you come across anything of that nature!
The Town Mouse & the Country Mouse: Blackberries
The Town Mouse & the Country Mouse: Blackberries 5"x7" Watercolor & gouache on paper
I have been working on a companion set of paintings to illustrate the classic Aesop's Fable, The Town Mouse & the Country Mouse. The first one takes a peek though the briers and brambles into the modest abode of a little country field mouse. She has invited her well-to-do cousin, who lives in town, to visit her. He happens to arrive during blackberry season, and so he is just in time to partake in the art of preserving the harvest in the form of jams & jellies. Glancing over his shoulder, spoon in hand, he is looking to his cousin for instructions on the recipe.
I will admit that I am a bit of a country mouse myself. Nothing like having bare feet in the grass reading a book, or snacking on wild fruit.
In the next illustration (coming soon!) she will be visiting her cousin's home in town.
Mouses & Houses
On my plate this week: Mouses & Houses
Sketch & Work in Progress: Rambling Jack Rabbit
New painting coming soon: "Rambling Jack Rabbit"
Here is my sketch of the traveling bun, Jack Rabbit. I'm smitten with this 'fella.
I'll share the painting with all of you shortly. Until then... happy trails!
Original Painting Now Available: Coloring Eggs Together
My latest illustration: Coloring Eggs Together has been so well received, I would like to thank all of you for your kind words! Just in time for spring and Easter, I have listed the original painting for sale in my shop.
I have to say that this painting has found a special place in my heart, and I almost can't bring myself to part with it. It is definitely one of my favorite pieces in my portfolio right now.
A Happy Easter to all of you, my little rabbits, in your own little burrows across the globe!
Coloring Eggs Together 12"x16" Watercolor, gouache, & colored pencils on paper
Dyeing & Painting on Eggs
If you know anything about me, you'll know that every year since I was young I look forward to the tradition of dyeing and painting Easter eggs. The smell of hot water, vinegar, and food coloring wafting from small tea cups fills my soul with childhood memories and revisited joys. Let's all agree together to not get too "grown-up" to enjoy these youthful activities, who's with me?!
For 2016's batch of eggs, I also hand painted a couple. One with a floral pattern of pansies, and the other with bumblebees (being tempted by their flower friends.)
Here's to hoping your house smells of hot water, vinegar, and food coloring this weekend as well. Happy Easter!
Coloring Eggs Together
Coloring Eggs Together 12"x16" Watercolor, goauche & colored pencils
This brother and sister know that rabbits make the best of friends, and who better to help them decorate a larger than life egg? The children are using broad strokes of red paint and paint cans, while the two bunnies are tackling the task of the fine painted detail with their little brushes and paint palettes. All the while springtime is in full bloom coming up around them.
Wishing a Happy Easter to all of you as well, my little rabbits!
Hansel and Gretel
Hansel and Gretel 22"x17" Watercolor and colored pencils on paper
The famous fairy tale siblings, Hansel and Gretel, must have known happier times in their childhood before they were abandoned in the woods with a loaf of bread. This is my rendition of their story, at that time.
Due to my own Dutch heritage, I altered the story's setting from Germany to the Netherlands. I'm sure that the Brothers Grimm wouldn't begrudge me the opportunity to dress these sweet children in wooden clogs (klompen) and place a windmill in the landscape.
Welkom to my interpretation of Grimm's Hansel and Gretel!
Watercolor WIP
Building soft layers of watercolor. I can't think of a better way to spend the winter days and nights.
Geese WIP (Work In Progress)
Sneak peek of something that is currently in the works. Now that the sketch is completed, the paper is finally ready for the first kiss of watercolor.
The Pollination
The Pollination 9"x11" Watercolor, gouache & colored pencils on paper
Mr. Bombus is off to spend a pleasant morning with his sweetheart Miss Tulip and her relations.
This happy little springtime bumble is as busy as a bee, flying from tulip to tulip, discussing the weather and keeping them current with the latest buzz. He has a busy day ahead of him, but thanks to of his toils, we are all able to enjoy the floral landscape and the beauty of all the Miss Tulips in the world. Our hats off to you Mr. Bombus!
A formal introduction to Miss Tulip and Mr. Bombus: (Latin Names)
Bombus Hortorum
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
14"x11" Watercolor & Gouache on Paper, 2016
My interpretation of the classic tale has Goldilocks and the three bears sitting down for a nice bowl of hot porridge together.
Because the best things are better when enjoyed with dear friends.
Corresponding Bunny
Corresponding Bunny Watercolor on paper 5"x7"
There are few things in this world that are so delightful to the heart as a handwritten letter.
Imagine how much more delightful that experience would be if it were written and delivered by a rabbit in a pinafore.
Eleanor Watercolor & gouache on paper 12"x16"
Eleanor loves to tend the flowers in her garden. She loves them so much, that she made a garden of her dress. When she's not in the garden outside, her favorite place to be is the library.
She is wearing a dress from Dolce & Gabbana's winter 2016 line, and a portion of her appeared as the annual holiday postcard for Betty Magazine.
The Rat and His River 14"x11" gouache on paper
Ratty is perhaps my favorite Wind in the Willows character. He’s sweet, sensible, down to earth and content. All he needs is his boat and the river and he considers himself well-off.
“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” -Ratty of The Wind in the Willows (Kenneth Grahame)
The Rat and His River
Mr. Toad 8"x10" gouache on paper
Once upon a time, a little girl fell in the love with the story of a rat, a mole, a badger, and a toad. I was that little girl, and the story was Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame. Now that I’ve grown up (technically), I have finally begun a project that I have been dreaming about for quite some time. A series based on the tale and its characters.
Here is the infamous Mr. Toad at the wheel of his greatest weakness, the motor car. In describing his attributes and characteristics it would be best to quote him on himself: “I’m such a clever Toad.”
Mr. Toad is the first in what will be a series of periodic installments. I hope you will join me for the adventure!
Wind in the Willows: Mr. Toad
Cold Hands, Warm Hearts
Cold Hands, Warm Hearts 8"x10" gouache on paper
Perhaps one of my favorite scenes that I have been painting lately is this snowy setting with two unlikely friends. They could be planning a cup of something warm once they reach their destination, they may be discussing the upcoming Christmas party, or they may be having a discussion on the book my rabbit friend is carrying in her hands.
Either way, I would love to be able to listen in on their discussion and make plans with them.
Patty Cake's Recipe for Fun
Patty Cake’s Recipe for Fun 14"x11" Watercolor on Paper
Patty Cake has her own recipe for fun. And her friends, the ingredients, pop out of the cupboards to help her and add some sweetness.
I wish this is what cooking looked like for me. I’m still checking egg cartons for derby hats.
—(This original painting will be available at KRASL Art Center on October 22nd.Please contact KRASL for inquiries about purchasing & reserving original art: info@krasl.org)