Bob Cratchit 6"x6" Gouache on paper
It’s no secret that I adore Charles Dickens, and have been known to recite a quote or two.
(Confession: I was smitten with him in high school, and he’s been my literary-sweetheart ever since.)
So it was only a matter of time until I turned one of his characters into an animal. In Bob Cratchit’s case, a songbird. It seemed to me that a feathered friend matched Bob’s disposition perfectly. Cheerful. Singing. Jolly. And all around a good-natured soul.
Why, I have just described both Bob Cratchit and a robin!
Original Art Update
I have some exciting news! On October 22nd, I will be having some original work available at KRASL Art Center in St. Joseph, Michigan. Please contact KRASL for inquiries about purchasing & reserving original art:
I will be sharing all of the pieces shortly!